How I Do It

Creating a website can be a daunting task, but with a clear and systematic approach, it can be done efficiently and effectively.
Here are the steps I follow to bring your business into the digital age

Discovery & Exploration

The first step in the process sets the stage for everything else to come. Discovery and exploration involves working with you to understand your industry and readers.

At the end of this phase I will have a high level description of how the new website should function, objectives, audience and assumptions.

Information Architecture & Content Preparation

Information architecture refers to creating models for information structure and using them to design user-friendly navigation and content categorization. At this stage I therefore decide how best to intuitively and logically categorize and display the content of the site to the user.

The output of this process is the information architecture diagram, or simply the site map, which shows a breakdown of the pages and subpages that will exist in the site.

Along with deciding on how to structure the site, I must also decide on the content that will populate those pages.

The second part of this stage therefore involves creating all of the content. It is understood that the content prepared at this stage may change and be refined before the project comes to a close, and this can be easily accommodated.

What is important is that I understand the function of each page on the site and the message that they will convey.


A wireframe is a low-fidelity, visual representation of how a webpage will be structured.

Its primary purpose is to evaluate different layout options and visual hierarchy in a way that can be rapidly changed or refined, without having to worry about all the details that exist in a full-fledged design. A number of wireframes will be created to produce a number of flexible layouts that pages and posts can take advantage of.

Design Comps

Taking the wireframes from the previous phase, design comps are created.

These design comps add colour, images and actual content to each of the Page templates that are being designed. It represents the way the pages will look when viewed in the browser.

Template Coding & Content Mangement Integration

The final step involves taking the design comps and integrating them with the content management system (CMS) used to power the website.

After setup and adding the Page templates created, content can be added quickly and easily

This content can be easily tracked by analytics software and show which pages users view the most and the time spent, among a host of other statistics

Testing & Deployment

The pages generated at this stage are tested for HTML validation and cross-browser compatibility, ensuring that they are fully functional in all browsers. 

Functionality and testing on multiple mobile and tablet devices are also employed 

Maintenance & Content Updates

Maintenance services can be requested which includes but are not limited to: 

  • Website Online & Offsite Backup & Storage
  • Website CMS Core & Plugin Updates
  • Website File and Image Optimisation 
  • Website Content Updates